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The Difference Between Arbitration and Conciliation


In the context of construction disputes, arbitration and conciliation still maintain their general distinctions, but their application and specific features may vary based on the nature of the construction industry. Here are some differences between arbitration and conciliation in construction disputes:

  1. Decision-Making Authority:

  • Arbitration: In construction arbitration, an arbitrator or a panel of arbitrators with expertise in construction matters typically renders a final and binding decision. The decision, known as an award, is enforceable by law.

  • Conciliation: In construction conciliation, the conciliator plays a facilitative role, helping the parties reach a mutually agreeable resolution. The conciliator does not have the authority to impose a decision.

  1. Expertise of the Decision-Maker:

  • Arbitration: Arbitrators in construction disputes often have expertise in construction law and industry practices. This can contribute to a more informed and specialized decision.

  • Conciliation: The conciliator may or may not have specific expertise in construction matters. Their role is more focused on assisting the parties in reaching an agreement through communication and negotiation.

  1. Formality and Procedure:

  • Arbitration: Construction arbitration tends to be a formal process, resembling a legal proceeding. It involves presenting evidence, witnesses, and legal arguments similar to a court trial.

  • Conciliation: Construction conciliation can be less formal and more flexible. The focus is on resolving issues through negotiation and dialogue, and the process may be adapted to suit the needs of the parties.

  1. Timeliness and Efficiency:

  • Arbitration: Construction arbitration is often chosen for its perceived efficiency compared to traditional litigation. It may provide a faster resolution, especially if the arbitrators have expertise in construction matters.

  • Conciliation: Conciliation may also offer a relatively efficient process, especially when the parties are willing to engage in constructive dialogue. The emphasis is on reaching a resolution without the need for a lengthy legal process.

  1. Costs:

  • Arbitration: While arbitration can be more cost-effective than litigation, it still involves certain costs, such as arbitrator fees and administrative expenses.

  • Conciliation: Conciliation may be seen as a cost-effective option, particularly if it helps the parties avoid protracted legal battles. The emphasis on negotiation and communication can reduce the overall expenses.

  1. Relationship Preservation:

  • Arbitration: Arbitration decisions are binding, and the process may be more adversarial, potentially straining ongoing relationships between the parties.

  • Conciliation: The conciliation process, being more collaborative, aims to preserve relationships by facilitating open communication and encouraging the parties to work together to find solutions.

In summary, while both arbitration and conciliation can be used to resolve construction disputes, the choice between them depends on factors such as the desired level of formality, the expertise needed, the emphasis on preserving relationships, and the preference for a binding or non-binding resolution. Construction industry participants often consider these factors when selecting the most suitable dispute resolution mechanism for their specific circumstances.

Written by Chat GPT and prompted by Context Capital Asset Management, LLC 11-13-23



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